AI-Generated Abstract Expressionism Inspiring Creativity through Ismail A Mageed's Internal Monologues in Poetic Form
Artificial intelligence, Abstract expressionism, Poetry, Creative collaboration, Leonardo AIAbstract
Artificial Intelligence (AI) has revolutionized the creative process, allowing for novel ways of artistic expression. This paper focuses on the intersection of Abstract Expressionism and AI-generated imagery, exploring how poetic prompts inspire unique visual interpretations. By utilizing Leonardo AI with a medium contrast and leveraging the cinematic kino model/preset, the research demonstrates how simple poetic phrases can yield profound visual artworks. The study evaluates the quality, creativity, and emotional resonance of AI-generated art, offering insights into the synergy between human creativity and machine intelligence within an Abstract Expressionism framework. The Leonardo AI is applied to Ismail A Mageed’s Internal Monologues in Poetic Form (IMPFs). The paper ends with some potential open problems and concludes with remarks and future research pathways.
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