Journal Details

Journal Title: Annals of Process Engineering and Management

Aims and Scope: "Annals of Process Engineering and Management" (Ann. Proc. Eng. Manag.) is dedicated to exploring the cutting-edge of process engineering and management, aiming to bridge the gap between engineering efficiencies and management strategies. The journal focuses on innovative research, practical case studies, and comprehensive reviews that advance the knowledge and application of process optimization, safety, sustainability, and supply chain management across various industries. It seeks to foster interdisciplinary collaboration among researchers, professionals, and practitioners in engineering, management, environmental science, and related fields to address complex challenges in process industries.

Abbreviated Title: Ann. Proc. Eng. Manag.

Language: English

Publication Frequency: Semi-annually. The journal publishes two issues per year online. Papers are processed and accepted continuously and are added to the current issue with full bibliographic details.

Open Access: Ann. Proc. Eng. Manag. is an open-access journal, providing unrestricted online access to its content. Everyone can freely read, download, distribute, and print the full-text articles, and link to them without prior permission from the publisher or author(s).

Publication Fee: The journal does not charge a publication fee, promoting equitable access to publishing opportunities for authors worldwide.

Plagiarism Check: Each submission undergoes a thorough plagiarism check using industry-standard software to ensure originality and integrity.

Review Policy: Submissions are evaluated through a double-blind peer review process by leading experts in the field, ensuring anonymity for both authors and reviewers to maintain fairness and objectivity.

Copyright and Licensing: Articles published in Ann. Proc. Eng. Manag. are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY), allowing use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Online ISSN: To be assigned

Editorial Board: The editorial board consists of a distinguished panel of experts and scholars from diverse geographies, specializing in process engineering, management, and relevant interdisciplinary areas.

Submission Guidelines: Detailed author guidelines, including manuscript formatting, citation style, and submission process, are available on the journal’s website to ensure a smooth submission and review process.

Ethical Standards: The journal adheres to the highest ethical standards in publishing, following the guidelines set by reputable academic publishing organizations, and expects the same integrity from its contributors.

Key Features of "Annals of Process Engineering and Management":

  • Interdisciplinary Approach: Encouraging research that integrates engineering and management principles to address real-world challenges in process industries.

  • Peer-Reviewed Excellence: Committing to rigorous peer review to maintain the quality and relevance of published research.

  • Wide-Ranging Topics: Covering a broad spectrum of topics within process engineering and management, including but not limited to process optimization, environmental sustainability, and innovative management strategies.

  • Commitment to Ethics and Integrity: Upholding strict ethical standards to ensure the credibility and reliability of published work.

  • Global Outreach: Aiming to engage a worldwide community of researchers and practitioners to share knowledge and foster collaboration.

  • Author Engagement: Offering robust support to authors throughout the publication process to ensure their research is communicated effectively and reaches a wide audience.

"Annals of Process Engineering and Management" invites contributions that push the boundaries of current knowledge and practice in process engineering and management, aiming to serve as a premier platform for the dissemination of significant, innovative, and impactful research.